If you have crooked, crowded or otherwise misaligned teeth, you might be wondering what your options are to resolve these concerns. Traditional metal braces have been the standard option for addressing all levels of misalignment, but that doesn’t mean they fit your lifestyle. In fact, most people note that braces end up dictating their lives, which is less than ideal. If you only have mild to moderate levels of crooked, gapped or rotated teeth and don’t want to settle for a metal mouth, Invisalign from a dentist in Uptown Houston may be exactly what you’re looking for! Here are three reasons why.
Keep Your Current Oral Care Routine
When you have metal brackets and wires in your mouth, it can be far more difficult to keep your teeth clean. Food debris can easily get caught inside of them meaning you’ll need to purchase specific cleaning tools to remove it. Failing to do so can dramatically increase your risk for plaque buildup and stains once the braces come off.
Invisalign’s clear aligners are fully removable, which means you can maintain your current brushing and flossing routine without interruption! All you need to do to keep the aligners transparent is let them soak in cleaning solution while you practice your normal oral care routine. From there, you can rinse them off and continue wearing them.
Drink the Beverages You Enjoy
Beverages like soda, coffee, and wine are notorious for staining teeth, and braces can easily increase the chances that this occurs. Furthermore, their rich pigmentation can easily be left behind on your fixed orthodontics.
In contrast, clear aligners can be taken out when enjoying an occasional beverage. Simply take off your clear aligners, enjoy your drink, quickly brush or your teeth, and put them back on. This works to prevent staining of the aligners and teeth.
Eat the Foods You Enjoy Most
Wearing braces means you’ll need to avoid many foods that you might enjoy. This includes:
- Apples
- Pears
- Popcorn
- Gum
- Sticky or hard candy
- Corn chips
- Pretzels
- Steak
With Invisalign, you can enjoy your favorite foods throughout treatment without restriction and make straightening your teeth so easy! If you’re interested in pursuing Invisalign in Uptown Houston, don’t hesitate to call a dentist today!
About the Author
Dr. Terri Alani is a highly trained cosmetic dentist who provides many services all under one roof. She has years of experience using Invisalign to help patients resolve mild to moderate levels of smile misalignment, crowding, and malocclusions (bad bites.) To learn more about her practice or schedule your first visit, you can contact her through her website!