Terri Alani DDS Blog

Are the Holidays the Worst Time for Your Oral Health?

December 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — texastoothlady @ 7:35 pm
Row of green cupcakes that can harm oral health

While it’s possible for your diet to negatively impact your smile any time of the year, the holidays are particularly bad for a variety of reasons. Not only are harmful foods more available to you (both at home and at work), but your oral care routine can take a hit, especially if you plan to travel. Learn about the most common factors that affect your oral health during the holidays and what you can do to prepare in advance.


5 Tips to Prevent Holiday Foods from Harming Your Smile

November 15, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — texastoothlady @ 8:00 pm
Assortment of holiday foods resting on a table

Let’s face it: you’re far more likely to eat foods during the holiday season that, unfortunately, put your oral health at risk. While most people enjoy biting into a shortbread cookie and chewing on a candy cane, these holiday foods can dramatically increase your risk for cavities and gum disease ahead of the new year. With that in mind, here are 5 tips to protect your smile as you enter the holiday season according to a dentist!


4 Ways to Tell if Dental Insurance is Right for You

October 2, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — texastoothlady @ 10:12 pm
Patient using dental insurance to pay for dental treatments

While you may have a health insurance plan, you may be wondering if it’s worth it to have a dental insurance plan as well. While some people may say getting a dental plan isn’t, others note that you can’t beat having peace of mind when it comes to your oral health (and by proxy your overall health). If you answer “yes” to any of the following questions, there’s a good chance a dental insurance plan is right for you.


Common Causes for a Gummy Smile (and How to Change It)

August 5, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — texastoothlady @ 6:05 pm
Person receiving soft tissue laser therapy for a gummy smile

Has your smile always looked more “gummy” than you’d prefer? While a gummy smile is not a cause for concern most of the time, it can make you feel self-conscious about your smile’s appearance. For example, teeth can appear stubby or short, which is not ideal for some. The good news is, thanks to modern advancements in dental technology, you don’t have to settle for this appearance if you don’t want to. Find out what the most common causes of a gummy smile are and how diode laser dentistry can help!


Veneers vs. Direct Bonding: Which One Should You Choose?

June 18, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — texastoothlady @ 7:46 pm
Dentist discussing the difference between veneers and bonding with a patient

When it comes to your smile, it’s important to take the time to recognize which cosmetic treatment will best suit your needs. Of course, you shouldn’t have to figure this out entirely on your own. Cosmetic dentists are more than happy to help break down the treatments they offer so you can make an informed decision. In the meantime, consider learning about the difference between veneers and bonding ahead of your next cosmetic consultation!


What is Gum Recession and What Can You Do About It?

April 19, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — texastoothlady @ 9:47 pm
Woman suffering from periodontal disease and gum recession

The gums hold far more responsibility than you might initially give them credit for. For example, they play a major role in protecting the more vulnerable areas of your teeth that are not strong enough to withstand acids created by plaque and bacteria like enamel can. If you’ve noticed that your teeth are more visible or appear longer than usual, it’s a sign that something is wrong. This phenomenon, known as gum recession, is a warning sign of a more serious problem called periodontal disease. To learn the causes of gum recession, how to address it, and what to do when it’s become too far gone, keep reading!


Why Scheduling Your Dental Checkup Now is a Great Idea

February 1, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — texastoothlady @ 6:02 pm

A patient receiving a dental checkup.With every new year comes a time to consider new year resolutions, including goals centered around oral and overall health. When you want to have a brilliant smile throughout the year free of cavities and gum disease, a dental checkup can make all the difference! If you have dental insurance benefits to utilize, it becomes even more important to get scheduled, but not only for insurance reasons. In this post, a dentist breaks down the most notable benefits you can expect when you schedule early in the year.


Which Foods Should You Avoid This Holiday? A Dentist Explains

December 30, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — texastoothlady @ 12:55 am

Dentist in Uptown Houston eating dinner with her family.While many people love getting ready for the holidays, whether it’s through wrapping gifts for Christmas, lighting the menorah for Hanukkah, or figuring out resolutions for the new year, there’s one thing everyone can enjoy: eating holiday foods! Of course, that doesn’t mean all holiday dishes are created equal, especially when it comes to your oral health. If your goal (or resolution) is to maintain a healthy and beautiful smile going into the new year, a dentist in Uptown Houston says you should do your best to avoid these popular holiday options as much as possible.


3 Tips to Know When Maximizing Dental Insurance Benefits

November 2, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — texastoothlady @ 7:39 pm

Dentist explaining how to maximize dental insurance benefits to patient.Many people don’t know it, but oral health is not exclusively separated from your overall health. In fact, chances are if you have good oral health, you have positive systemic health as well! This is just another reason why it’s so important to maintain routine visits and make the most of dental benefits while you have access to them. Here are three tips to keep in mind so you can maximize dental insurance benefits.


5 Ways to Protect Your Smile During National Dental Hygiene Month

October 22, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — texastoothlady @ 11:02 pm

Woman learning oral hygiene tips from a dentist in Uptown.Did you know that October is National Dental Hygiene Month? Considering it’s the same month that Halloween occurs, it’s not that surprising that dentists around the country are using it as an opportunity to teach patients the importance of maintaining a healthy smile. If you’ve been looking for ways to brush up on your routine, let a dentist in Uptown highlight 5 essential oral hygiene tips to help you get started!


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