Terri Alani DDS Blog

Cosmetic Dentist in Uptown Houston: Cold Weather Can Cause Tooth Pain

January 2, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — texastoothlady @ 6:46 pm

A woman standing outside in the cold.You’ve probably felt some form of tooth sensitivity or pain after consuming a hot or cold food or beverage. This phenomena is actually quite common since most people have experienced some form of enamel erosion. But it’s important to keep in mind that the things you consume aren’t the only form of external stimuli that can cause this discomfort. For example, cold weather can also be a culprit.

To understand why this occurs and what a cosmetic dentist in Uptown Houston recommends you do to alleviate it, keep reading!



Facts You Should Know About Invisalign in Uptown Houston

November 8, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — texastoothlady @ 9:21 pm

A person holding a clear aligner.If you’ve always wanted to fix your crooked smile without making dramatic changes to your appearance, you’re in luck! Invisalign in Uptown Houston is an incredibly popular system thanks to its effectiveness and transparent appearance. To learn exactly what clear aligners from Invisalign can do for you, keep reading this informative blog post! By the time you have your consultation, you’ll be better prepared to ask questions and address any concerns you may have.


Cosmetic Dentist in Uptown Houston Gives Halloween Safety Tips

October 7, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — texastoothlady @ 7:43 pm

A group of children dressed in Halloween costumes.According to reports on accidents during the holidays, Halloween experiences twice as many accidents involving pedestrians and vehicles compared to any other night of the year. That includes Independence Day, New Year’s Eve, and even Christmas. With such a high risk of accidents, it’s more important than ever to teach your children the right steps to be safe, whether they’re with you or out on their own.

Before they start their candy collection, ask yourself these questions and take the time to address them beforehand. According to a cosmetic dentist in Uptown Houston, you just might prevent a broken tooth in the process.


Whitening Toothpastes: What Your Cosmetic Dentist in Uptown Houston Thinks

September 16, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — texastoothlady @ 8:08 pm

A woman brushing her teeth.Whitening toothpastes can be effective, but only to a certain point. If you’re trying to remove common surface stains caused by the foods you eat, whitening toothpastes can improve the shade of your smile. However, according to your cosmetic dentist in Uptown Houston, there are better treatments out there, especially for deeper discoloration. Today, your dentist will discuss what to expect from whitening toothpastes.


Cosmetic Dentist in Uptown Houston Advises Against DIY Braces

August 5, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — texastoothlady @ 8:25 pm

A woman holding an illustration of a crooked smile over her mouth.Did you know that many people are trying to make dramatic, orthodontic changes to their smile without traditional tools or expertise from a dentist? Also known as DIY braces, this phenomenon has been becoming increasingly popular online and tons of people are thinking it can work for them!Unfortunately, there have been more negative consequences than positive ones, often leaving people with worse smiles and irreversible damage.

Consider these six reasons from a cosmetic dentist in Uptown Houston on why to avoid DIY braces altogether.


Your Cosmetic Dentist in Uptown Houston Protects Your Overall Health!

April 4, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — texastoothlady @ 9:40 pm

An older couple examining an X-ray.Making your mouth healthy and beautiful is a very high priority for your cosmetic dentist in Uptown Houston, but so is protecting you from other diseases. At first, this might surprise you, but your dentist is actually capable of catching disease early thanks to markers that appear in the mouth. With this in mind, your dentist acts as another line of defense in the fight against diseases like diabetes, oral cancer, and many other conditions.

April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month, so let’s start with that!


Your Cosmetic Dentist in Uptown Houston: Are You Allergic to Invisalign?

March 8, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — texastoothlady @ 2:40 pm

A pair of clear aligners.If you’re looking to straighten teeth but don’t want to go through the frustrating and time-consuming process of metal braces, Invisalign clear aligners offer a unique solution. In just 12 to 18 months, you can have a straighter smile that’s easier to clean and more fun to flash at events or in family photos. Before you begin though, your cosmetic dentist in Uptown Houston says you should make sure you aren’t allergic to the plastic material it uses. Keep reading to learn more about this treatment and the precautions to take.


For a Stellar Smile, You’ll Need Porcelain Veneers in Houston

February 6, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — texastoothlady @ 5:03 pm

A woman smiling.Did you know that porcelain veneers have been around for decades? Originally, they were sought after by movie stars and models alike, but now they become more available and more affordable than ever before. As time has passed, they’ve also become superior in a variety of ways, including durability, aesthetics, and functionality! If you’re just now hearing about this, get excited, cause your cosmetic dentist sure is!

When you walk into the office to receive porcelain veneers in Houston, you’ll quickly find out that you’re in good hands. A technology as advanced as porcelain veneers should be handled by someone with years of experience. Dr. Terri Alani is the right dentist for the job!


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